As a nonprofit leader, you need to stay abreast of the latest trends and best practices in order to remain effective and help your organization thrive in a constantly changing environment. It also helps to have a network of support throughout the journey.
NSP offers a range of opportunities to learn from experts in the field, as well as your peers, about how best to effectively lead, manage and govern your organization.
Workshops and Webinars
Geared primarily toward executive directors/CEOs and board leaders of area nonprofits, these sessions address key nonprofit management and board issues relevant to your leadership role. Topics include strategic planning, board performance, fund development, financial management, human resources, technology, legal issues and more.
Training Series
These multi-session training series provide more in-depth learning, and often include follow-up consultation tailored to the needs of your organization. Some of these programs are exclusively for executive directors/CEOs or senior leaders. Others require participation from agency teams so that learning is spread across the organization.
Leaders Circles
We facilitate several Leaders Circles to provide Greater Hartford executive directors/CEOs and senior leaders a place to strengthen their ability to successfully lead their organizations and support each other.
Learn more
“I did not realize how much I was craving the camaraderie of fellow senior leaders until that first all-day retreat.”
Want to start learning right now?
Check out the “I need help with” section of our website for resources on numerous aspects of nonprofit management and leadership.