NSP offers Evaluation Roundtables twice each year as a community of practice for area nonprofit and evaluation professionals to promote ongoing discussion, sharing and learning about evaluation.
Upcoming Roundtables
Recent Roundtable Topics and Materials
- 1: Full Presentation - Nonprofit Evaluation Basics (Powerpoint)
- 2: Agenda 10/11/18 (Word)
- 3: Handouts - Evaluation Roundtable 10/11/18 (PDF)
- 4: Activity 2 - Parent Survey (Word)
- 5: Activity 3 - Interview Protocol (Word)
- 6: Activity 4 - Observation Protocol (Word)
- 7: Activity 5 - Interview Surveys (Word)
- 8: Activity 6 - Analysis (PDF)
Handout # 1 - PowerPoint Slides
Handout # 2 - Agenda 5-10-18
Handout # 3 - Excerpt: Equitable Evaluation Project Framing Paper
Handout # 4 - AEA Statement
Handout # 5 - Excerpt CDC Guide
Handout # 6 - EISCA - Program Overview
Handout # 7 - EISCA - ParentGuardian Update
Handout # 8 - Postcard-Family Survey
Handout # 9 - Principles for Effective Community Partnership Research
Handout # 10 - AHNA Final Report
Handout # 11 - AHNA Timeline and Resources
- Agenda and Speaker Bios (Word)
- PowerPoint Slides (PDF)
- Social Media Activity (Power Point)
- Agenda & Speaker Bios (PDF)
- PowerPoint Slides (PDF)
- CDC Communicating About People with Disabilities (PDF)
- Universal Design for Evaluation Checklist (PDF)
- Anita Baker Making Data Collection Decisions (PDF)
- Unified Theater Language Etiquette (PDF)
- Unified Theater Rehearsal Observation Rubric (PDF)
- Unified Theater Participant Post-test (PDF)
Want to participate?
Contact Meher Shulman at mshulman@hfpg.org to discuss participating in our next evaluation roundtable.